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We have added the letter notes of Almost There – The Princess and the Frog (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Almost There – The Princess and the Frog (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Almost There – The Princess and the Frog (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Mama, I don’t have time for dancing…

D#__ D_C-.A_ C .A D .A .A-.G
That’s just gonna have to wait a while

E__G_^C A_ G – G_ G-C
Ain’t got time for messing around

.A_ C_C_ E_ D
And it’s not my style…

A_ G_ G_ E_ A_ G_ C
This old town can slow you down

C – .A_ C-C .A E-C D
People taking the easy way

C_A G_ G-G-E_ A_ G_E-C
But I know exactly where I’m going

.A_C – .A A – A_A_ A-A_ A-G-G
I’m getting closer and closer everyday…

E_ G-E A-A_ A
And I’m almost there

.A_ C-E_ D
I’m almost there

A – G__A__A_ A_ G_A-C
People ’round here think I’m crazy

.A C_E_ D
But I don’t care!

A__ G_ A-G-A-A
Trials and tribulations

.A_ C_ C_ D
I’ve had my share

A__ G_ G – E_ G-E_ A_ G_ E
There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now

.A_ C-.A_ C-C_ C
Cause I’m almost there!

C_D-E-G_ C-A_ G C
I remember daddy told me

E – D_ C_ C_ E_ D
“Fairy tales can come true

C_ A_G-E_ A_ G_ E-C
But you gotta make ’em happen

C A_G – A A-E G-A
It all depends on you”

E G A_ A_ A_ A_ G_ A-G-E
So I work real hard each and everyday

.A__ C_ .A_ C_.A_C-C E_D
Now things for sure are going my way

A_ A-G_ A A A
Just doing what I do

^C_ A_ A_G Bb-A-G_ G
Look out boys I’m coming through…

E_ G-E A-A_ A
And I’m almost there!

.A_ C-E_ D
I’m almost there

A – G_ G-G_ G_ G_ E__A-G-E
People gonna come here from everywhere

.A_ C_C – C_ C
And I’m almost there

G_ A-A_ A
I’m almost there!

A___ G_ G_ E_ A-G-E-C
There’s been trials and tribulations

.A__C_ .A_ C_E_ D
You know I’ve had my share

E_ G__ A__G_ G – E
But I’ve climbed the mountain,

G__ A__G D#-D-C
I’ve crossed the river…

C_ .A_C – C_ C
And I’m almost there,

A_ A-G_ C
I’m almost there,

G-A-G ^C-^C ^C
I’m ~ almost there!

Almost There – The Princess and the Frog (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mama, I don’t have time for dancing…

Re#__ Re_Do-.La_ Do .La Re .La .La-.Sol
That’s just gonna have to wait a while

Mi__Sol_^Do La_ Sol – Sol_ Sol-Do
Ain’t got time for messing around

.La_ Do_Do_ Mi_ Re
And it’s not my style…

La_ Sol_ Sol_ Mi_ La_ Sol_ Do
This old town can slow you down

Do – .La_ Do-Do .La Mi-Do Re
People taking the easy way

Do_La Sol_ Sol-Sol-Mi_ La_ Sol_Mi-Do
But I know exactly where I’m going

.La_Do – .La La – La_La_ La-La_ La-Sol-Sol
I’m getting closer and closer everyday…

Mi_ Sol-Mi La-La_ La
And I’m almost there

.La_ Do-Mi_ Re
I’m almost there

La – Sol__La__La_ La_ Sol_La-Do
People ’round here think I’m crazy

.La Do_Mi_ Re
But I don’t care!

La__ Sol_ La-Sol-La-La
Trials and tribulations

.La_ Do_ Do_ Re
I’ve had my share

La__ Sol_ Sol – Mi_ Sol-Mi_ La_ Sol_ Mi
There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now

.La_ Do-.La_ Do-Do_ Do
Cause I’m almost there!

Do_Re-Mi-Sol_ Do-La_ Sol Do
I remember daddy told me

Mi – Re_ Do_ Do_ Mi_ Re
“Fairy tales can come true

Do_ La_Sol-Mi_ La_ Sol_ Mi-Do
But you gotta make ’em happen

Do La_Sol – La La-Mi Sol-La
It all depends on you”

Mi Sol La_ La_ La_ La_ Sol_ La-Sol-Mi
So I work real hard each and everyday

.La__ Do_ .La_ Do_.La_Do-Do Mi_Re
Now things for sure are going my way

La_ La-Sol_ La La La
Just doing what I do

^Do_ La_ La_Sol Sib-La-Sol_ Sol
Look out boys I’m coming through…

Mi_ Sol-Mi La-La_ La
And I’m almost there!

.La_ Do-Mi_ Re
I’m almost there

La – Sol_ Sol-Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Mi__La-Sol-Mi
People gonna come here from everywhere

.La_ Do_Do – Do_ Do
And I’m almost there

Sol_ La-La_ La
I’m almost there!

La___ Sol_ Sol_ Mi_ La-Sol-Mi-Do
There’s been trials and tribulations

.La__Do_ .La_ Do_Mi_ Re
You know I’ve had my share

Mi_ Sol__ La__Sol_ Sol – Mi
But I’ve climbed the mountain,

Sol__ La__Sol Re#-Re-Do
I’ve crossed the river…

Do_ .La_Do – Do_ Do
And I’m almost there,

La_ La-Sol_ Do
I’m almost there,

Sol-La-Sol ^Do-^Do ^Do
I’m ~ almost there!