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We have added the letter notes of A Million Dreams – The Greatest Showman song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of A Million Dreams – The Greatest Showman piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

A Million Dreams – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

B_ B_ ^C_^D ^C B ^C ^D
I close my eyes and I can see

^C_ B__^C_ ^D-^C_ E_^C_B
The world that’s waiting up for me

G_ A_ B_^D_ E
That I call my own

B___ ^C_ ^D__ B__^C_^D
Through the dark, through the door

B____ ^C_ ^D-^E__ E_ ^C-B
Through where no-one’s been before

G_A_ B_ A__G
But it feels like home…

They can say,

G__ A_B_B_ A_ G_ E-G
They can say it all sounds crazy

A__ A_A
They can say,

G__ A_B_ B_ A_F#_G
They can say I’ve lost my mind

A_ A__A_ G_A_ B
I don’t care, I don’t care,

B_A_G_ E-G
So call me crazy

^D ^D ^D-B B_B_^C_ B_A_ F#-G
We can live in a world that we design….

^D_ ^D-^G ^G ^A ^A ^B ^B
‘Cause every night I lie in bed

^D_ ^D-^F# ^F#-^G ^G ^G-^A ^A
The brightest colors fill my head

^G *C-^B ^B-^A
A million dreams

^A_ ^A-^G ^G ^A-^G
Are keeping me awake…

^D_^D ^G ^G ^A_^A_ ^B_^B
I think of what the world could be

^D ^D-^F# ^F# ^F# ^G ^G ^A
A vision of the one I see

^G *C-^B_^B
A million dreams

^A ^A ^G ^G-^A ^G
Is all it’s gonna take

B_^D ^E-^D_ ^D
Oh, a million dreams

B_ B_ ^E__^D_^C-B_ B
For the world we’re gonna make…

B__ ^C_^D_B_ ^C_ ^D
There’s a house we can build

B-^C_ ^D_^E-E ^C_B
Every room inside is filled

B___ B__ A_^C_ A-G
With things from far away

B-^C__^D_ B_^C-^D
Special things I compile

^G_ ^F#_^E_^D_E_^D_B
Each one there to make you smile

G_ A_B-A ^C
On a rainy day…

They can say,

G__A_ B_ B_A_ G__E-G
They can say it all sounds crazy

They can say,

G__A_ B__B__A_ B_ G
They can say we’ve lost our minds

A_A_ A
I don’t care,

G_ A__B ^D ^E_ A_G_E-G
I don’t care if they call us crazy

^D ^D-^D B B ^C_ B_ A_ G-^E
Run away to a world that we design

D-G__G_ A_A_B_B
Every night I lie in bed

D__ D – F#_ F#-G_G_ A_A
The brightest colors fill my head

G ^C-B__B-A_ A__ A-G_ G_A-E
A million dreams are keeping me awake

D_ D_ G_ G_ A_ A__B_ B
I think of what the world could be

D_ D-F# F# G_G A A
A vision of the one I see

G ^C – B_ B
A million dreams

A A_G_G-A_ G
Is all it’s gonna take

.B_D_ E-D__D
Oh a million dreams

.B_ .B_ E__ D_ C-.B_ .B
For the world we’re gonna make…

G – A – B_G_ G-A-B_ G
However big, however small

D_ E_ G_ B_ A_B_E
Let me be part of it all

F#__ G__ G__.B_D
Share your dreams with me

G__ A_B_ G_ G_ A_ B_ G
You may be right, you may be wrong

D_ D_E__G__B__A_ B-E
But say that you’ll bring me along

D_ D__A_ A-B_D
To the world you see

G_ G_ F#_ E_D_E_ B_ D_ E
To the world I close my eyes to see

G_ F#_ G_ B_ G_ A
I close my eyes to see…

D___D-G_ G_A_A_B_B
‘Cause every night I lie in bed

D__ D – F#_ F#-G_G_ A_A
The brightest colors fill my head

G_^C-B__B__ A_ A-G_ G_A-E
A million dreams are keeping me awake…

G_^C-B__ B_ G_ ^E-^D_ ^D
A million dreams, a million dreams…

D_D_G_ G_ A_ A__B_ B
I think of what the world could be

D_D-F# F# G_ G_A A
A vision of the one I see

G_ ^C-B__B
A million dreams

Is all it’s gonna take

A million dreams

G_ A_^C__B__G-A_A-B
For the world we’re gonna make

.B_ C__E__ D__C-.B_ .B
For the world we’re gonna make…

A Million Dreams – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Si_ Si_ ^Do_^Re ^Do Si ^Do ^Re
I close my eyes and I can see

^Do__ Si_^Do__^Re-^Do_ Mi_^Do_Si
The world that’s waiting up for me

Sol__La_ Si_^Re_ Mi
That I call my own

Si__ ^Do_ ^Re_ Si_^Do_ ^Re
Through the dark, through the door

Si___ ^Do_ ^Re-^Mi_ Mi__^Do-Si
Through where no-one’s been before

Sol_ La_ Si__La_Sol
But it feels like home…

La_ La_ La
They can say,

Sol__La_ Si_Si_ La__Sol__Mi-Sol
They can say it all sounds crazy

La__La_ La
They can say,

Sol__La_ Si__ Si_ La_ Fa#_ Sol
They can say I’ve lost my mind

La_ La_La_ Sol_ La__Si
I don’t care, I don’t care,

Si_ La_ Sol_ Mi-Sol
So call me crazy

^Re ^Re ^Re-Si Si_Si_^Do__ Si_ La_ Fa#-Sol
We can live in a world that we design….

^Re_ ^Re-^Sol ^Sol ^La ^La ^Si ^Si
‘Cause every night I lie in bed

^Re_ ^Re-^Fa# ^Fa#-^Sol ^Sol ^Sol-^La ^La
The brightest colors fill my head

^Sol *Do-^Si ^Si-^La
A million dreams

^La_ ^La-^Sol ^Sol ^La-^Sol
Are keeping me awake…

^Re_^Re ^Sol ^Sol ^La_^La_ ^Si_ ^Si
I think of what the world could be

^Re ^Re-^Fa# ^Fa# ^Fa# ^Sol ^Sol ^La
A vision of the one I see

^Sol *Do-^Si_^Si
A million dreams

^La ^La ^Sol ^Sol-^La ^Sol
Is all it’s gonna take

Si_^Re ^Mi-^Re_ ^Re
Oh, a million dreams

Si__ Si__^Mi_^Re_ ^Do-Si__Si
For the world we’re gonna make…

Si__^Do_^Re_ Si_ ^Do_ ^Re
There’s a house we can build

Si-^Do__^Re_^Mi-Mi ^Do_Si
Every room inside is filled

Si___Si__La_^Do_ La-Sol
With things from far away

Si-^Do_^Re_ Si_^Do-^Re
Special things I compile

^Sol_ ^Fa#_ ^Mi_^Re_ Mi_ ^Re_ Si
Each one there to make you smile

Sol_ La_Si-La ^Do
On a rainy day…

La_ La_ La
They can say,

Sol_ La__Si_ Si_La__Sol_Mi-Sol
They can say it all sounds crazy

La_ La_ La
They can say,

Sol_ La__Si_Si_La__Si__Sol
They can say we’ve lost our minds

La_ La__La
I don’t care,

Sol_ La_Si ^Re ^Mi_ La_Sol_Mi-Sol
I don’t care if they call us crazy

^Re ^Re-^Re Si Si ^Do__Si__La_ Sol-^Mi
Run away to a world that we design

Re-Sol_Sol_ La_La_Si_Si
Every night I lie in bed

Re_ Re – Fa#__Fa#-Sol_Sol_ La_ La
The brightest colors fill my head

Sol ^Do-Si_Si-La__La_ La-Sol__Sol_ La-Mi
A million dreams are keeping me awake

Re_ Re_ Sol__Sol__ La__La_ Si__ Si
I think of what the world could be

Re_ Re-Fa# Fa# Sol_Sol La La
A vision of the one I see

Sol ^Do – Si__ Si
A million dreams

La La_Sol_ Sol-La__Sol
Is all it’s gonna take

.Si_Re_ Mi-Re_Re
Oh a million dreams

.Si__.Si__ Mi__Re__Do-.Si__.Si
For the world we’re gonna make…

Sol – La – Si_ Sol__ Sol-La-Si__ Sol
However big, however small

Re__Mi_ Sol_ Si_ La_Si_Mi
Let me be part of it all

Fa#__Sol__Sol_ .Si_ Re
Share your dreams with me

Sol_ La_ Si__Sol__ Sol__La__Si__Sol
You may be right, you may be wrong

Re__ Re_ Mi_Sol_ Si_La_ Si-Mi
But say that you’ll bring me along

Re_ Re_La__La-Si_Re
To the world you see

Sol_ Sol__ Fa#_ Mi_ Re_ Mi__ Si_ Re_ Mi
To the world I close my eyes to see

Sol_ Fa#_ Sol__Si_ Sol_ La
I close my eyes to see…

Re__ Re-Sol__ Sol_La_La_Si_Si
‘Cause every night I lie in bed

Re_ Re – Fa#__Fa#-Sol_Sol_ La_ La
The brightest colors fill my head

Sol_^Do-Si_ Si_ La__ La-Sol__ Sol_ La-Mi
A million dreams are keeping me awake…

Sol_^Do-Si_ Si__ Sol_ ^Mi-^Re_ ^Re
A million dreams, a million dreams…

Re_Re_Sol__ Sol__ La__ La_ Si__Si
I think of what the world could be

Re_Re-Fa# Fa# Sol_ Sol_La La
A vision of the one I see

Sol_ ^Do-Si_Si
A million dreams

La_La_Sol_ Sol-La_ Sol
Is all it’s gonna take

A million dreams

Sol__La_ ^Do_Si_ Sol-La_ La-Si
For the world we’re gonna make

For the world we’re gonna make…