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We have added the letter notes of Let It Go – Frozen (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Let It Go – Frozen (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Let It Go – Frozen (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D__ E__ E__ E
The snow glows white

E_ E__E – D__ C – C
On the mountain tonight

C_C_ D – D_ C .B_.A
Not a footprint to be seen.

.A_ E – E_ E_E-G-G-E
A kingdom of isolation,

C_ C_ D_ E_ D_ C_ D
And it looks like I’m the Queen

E__ E_ G_ A-G
The wind is howling

E__ G_ G-G__F__ E-F-E
Like this swirling storm inside

E – E___D_ C D
Couldn’t keep it in

D – E___D__ C_ .A
Heaven knows I’ve tried

D__ D_ G_ G
Don’t let them in,

D__ D_ A_ A
Don’t let them see

A_ G_ A_ A_ G_ A-B__^C_B B
Be the good girl you always have to be

D – D__ G_ G
Conceal, don’t feel,

D__ D_ A_ A
Don’t let them know

G__ A_ B_ ^C
Well now they know

A_ B ^C G G ^D
Let it go, let it go

^C___A_A_ A_ A-B-^C
Can’t hold it back anymore

A_ B ^C_G ^E ^E-^D
Let it go, let it go ~

^C ^D-^E ^E ^F-^E ^D-^C ^D-^C
Turn away and slam the door

^G ^E ^D
I don’t care

^C__ ^C__^G_^E ^C
What they’re going to say

^C_ ^C_ B__G_ G
Let the storm rage on.

F__ F_ F – E_ F – E_ F_ F-E-C
The cold never bothered me anyway

C_ E-E_ E__E__ E-C
It’s funny how some distance

C___ G – G – F__ E__ D
Makes everything seem small

C__C_ E__E_ E__G – A_ G
And the fears that once controlled me

G__ ^C ^C B A A
Can’t get to me at all

D__D_G G_ D_D G_A
It’s time to see what I can do

G_ A_ G_A-B_ ^C_^D__ G
To test the limits and break through

D_ D_ G_ G__ D_ G_ D_A
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,

I’m free!

A_ B ^C_G ^D ^D
Let it go, let it go

^C A_ A_ A_ A_ A_ B_^C
I am one with the wind and sky

A_B ^C_G ^E ^E-^D
Let it go, let it go ~

^D_ ^E-^E ^F ^D ^D-^C
You’ll never see me cry

^G ^E ^D
Here I stand

^C_ ^G_^E_ ^C
And here I’ll stay

^C_ ^C_ B_ G_ G
Let the storm rage on

F__ F_ F-E_ F – E_ F_ F-E-C
The cold never bothered me anyway

F_ E – F_ G – A__Bb__^C_^D#
My power flurries through the air

^D-^C Bb_ ^C
Into the ground

F__E_ F G-A-Bb
My soul is spiraling

^C ^D#-D ^C-Bb ^D# ^D-^C-^D-^C
In frozen fractals all around ~

G__F#__G__ A-B-^C-^D
And one thought crystallizes

^F_^E ^D-^C ^D
Like an icy blast

^E ^E-E ^E-^C_^C
I’m never going back,

^C_ ^D ^C ^C ^E ^F
The past is in the past

^F ^F ^F-^E G G ^D
Let it go, let it go

^C__A_A_ A_ A_ A_ B_^C-^D
And I’ll rise like the break of dawn

A_ B ^C_G ^E ^E-^D
Let it go, let it go

^C_ ^E – E ^F ^E ^D-^C
That perfect girl is gone

^G ^E ^D
Here I stand

^C ^C ^G ^E ^F-^E-^D-^C
In the light of day ~

^C_^C_ B_ ^C ^G
Let the storm rage on

D#_ F_ F – E_ F – E_ F_ F-E-C
The cold never bothered me anyway!

Let It Go – Frozen (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re__ Mi__ Mi__ Mi
The snow glows white

Mi_ Mi__Mi – Re__ Do – Do
On the mountain tonight

Do_Do_ Re – Re_ Do .Si_.La
Not a footprint to be seen.

.La_ Mi – Mi_ Mi_Mi-Sol-Sol-Mi
A kingdom of isolation,

Do_ Do_ Re_ Mi_ Re_ Do_ Re
And it looks like I’m the Queen

Mi__ Mi_ Sol_ La-Sol
The wind is howling

Mi__ Sol_ Sol-Sol__Fa__ Mi-Fa-Mi
Like this swirling storm inside

Mi – Mi___Re_ Do Re
Couldn’t keep it in

Re – Mi___Re__ Do_ .La
Heaven knows I’ve tried

Re__ Re_ Sol_ Sol
Don’t let them in,

Re__ Re_ La_ La
Don’t let them see

La_ Sol_ La_ La_ Sol_ La-Si__^Do_Si Si
Be the good girl you always have to be

Re – Re__ Sol_ Sol
Conceal, don’t feel,

Re__ Re_ La_ La
Don’t let them know

Sol__ La_ Si_ ^Do
Well now they know

La_ Si ^Do Sol Sol ^Re
Let it go, let it go

^Do___La_La_ La_ La-Si-^Do
Can’t hold it back anymore

La_ Si ^Do_Sol ^Mi ^Mi-^Re
Let it go, let it go ~

^Do ^Re-^Mi ^Mi ^Fa-^Mi ^Re-^Do ^Re-^Do
Turn away and slam the door

^Sol ^Mi ^Re
I don’t care

^Do__ ^Do__^Sol_^Mi ^Do
What they’re going to say

^Do_ ^Do_ Si__Sol_ Sol
Let the storm rage on.

Fa__ Fa_ Fa – Mi_ Fa – Mi_ Fa_ Fa-Mi-Do
The cold never bothered me anyway

Do_ Mi-Mi_ Mi__Mi__ Mi-Do
It’s funny how some distance

Do___ Sol – Sol – Fa__ Mi__ Re
Makes everything seem small

Do__Do_ Mi__Mi_ Mi__Sol – La_ Sol
And the fears that once controlled me

Sol__ ^Do ^Do Si La La
Can’t get to me at all

Re__Re_Sol Sol_ Re_Re Sol_La
It’s time to see what I can do

Sol_ La_ Sol_La-Si_ ^Do_^Re__ Sol
To test the limits and break through

Re_ Re_ Sol_ Sol__ Re_ Sol_ Re_La
No right, no wrong, no rules for me,

I’m free!

La_ Si ^Do_Sol ^Re ^Re
Let it go, let it go

^Do La_ La_ La_ La_ La_ Si_^Do
I am one with the wind and sky

La_Si ^Do_Sol ^Mi ^Mi-^Re
Let it go, let it go ~

^Re_ ^Mi-^Mi ^Fa ^Re ^Re-^Do
You’ll never see me cry

^Sol ^Mi ^Re
Here I stand

^Do_ ^Sol_^Mi_ ^Do
And here I’ll stay

^Do_ ^Do_ Si_ Sol_ Sol
Let the storm rage on

Fa__ Fa_ Fa-Mi_ Fa – Mi_ Fa_ Fa-Mi-Do
The cold never bothered me anyway

Fa_ Mi – Fa_ Sol – La__Sib__^Do_^Re#
My power flurries through the air

^Re-^Do Sib_ ^Do
Into the ground

Fa__Mi_ Fa Sol-La-Sib
My soul is spiraling

^Do ^Re#-Re ^Do-Sib ^Re# ^Re-^Do-^Re-^Do
In frozen fractals all around ~

Sol__Fa#__Sol__ La-Si-^Do-^Re
And one thought crystallizes

^Fa_^Mi ^Re-^Do ^Re
Like an icy blast

^Mi ^Mi-Mi ^Mi-^Do_^Do
I’m never going back,

^Do_ ^Re ^Do ^Do ^Mi ^Fa
The past is in the past

^Fa ^Fa ^Fa-^Mi Sol Sol ^Re
Let it go, let it go

^Do__La_La_ La_ La_ La_ Si_^Do-^Re
And I’ll rise like the break of dawn

La_ Si ^Do_Sol ^Mi ^Mi-^Re
Let it go, let it go

^Do_ ^Mi – Mi ^Fa ^Mi ^Re-^Do
That perfect girl is gone

^Sol ^Mi ^Re
Here I stand

^Do ^Do ^Sol ^Mi ^Fa-^Mi-^Re-^Do
In the light of day ~

^Do_^Do_ Si_ ^Do ^Sol
Let the storm rage on

Re#_ Fa_ Fa – Mi_ Fa – Mi_ Fa_ Fa-Mi-Do
The cold never bothered me anyway!