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We have added the letter notes of A Little Fall of Rain – Les Miserables song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of A Little Fall of Rain – Les Miserables piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

A Little Fall of Rain – Les Miserables Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes


D______B___B______D-C____ A-A
Don’t you fret, Monsieur Marius

C_ .B___ D_ D-.B__.G
I don’t feel any pain

.A_ .B-D_ D_.B_.G
A little fall of rain

.A___ .B-G___ G__ .B__ .G
Can hardly hurt me now

You’re here,

G_____A_ G__A__ B___B
That’s all I need to know…

B____ B__^D__^D__ B__ G
And you will keep me safe

A____B__ ^D__^D__ B___G
And you will keep me close

A____ B__ ^D__^D___B___ A-G____G
And rain will make the flowers grow….


F#__ F#__A___A__ Bb-Bb
But you will live, ‘Ponine

^C___^C_ ^D-^D
Dear God above…

If I could heal your wounds

^C____^C_ ^D_ ^D
With words of love…


B____ ^C__ B___A
Just hold me now,

G___ A_ B_D
And let it be

E – G____G____G-A___ A
Shelter me, comfort me…


D_____ B____B
You would live

D___C – A____ A
A hundred years

If I could show you how

A__B__ ^D-^D__B__ G
I won’t desert you now…


A____ B__ ^G__ ^G___B__ G
The rain can’t hurt me now

B____^C__ G___ A___G-A____B_____B
This rain will wash away what’s past…

B_____B_ ^D__ ^D__B__ G
And you will keep me safe

And you will keep me close

G___ B_ ^D_ ^D___ B – A__ G__G
I’ll sleep in your embrace at last…

G____ G___A_____A___Bb__Bb
The rain that brings you here

^C_ ^C-^D__^D
Is Heaven-blessed!

G____ G___A-A__Bb_ Bb
The skies begin to clear

And I’m at rest

B__ ^D___ B-A___ G____ A____B___D
A breath away from where you are

D_____E_____G____ G__A__A
I’ve come home from so far…

F____F__ ^D_ ^D___ F – D#__ ^C-^C
So don’t you fret, Monsieur Marius

D#_D__F__F-D_ .Bb
I don’t feel any pain

C_ D-F_ F_ D_.Bb
A little fall of rain

C____D-Bb_ Bb__ D__.Bb
Can hardly hurt me now…

^D____ ^D#
You’re here

That’s all I need to know

^D__^D_ ^F__ ^F_ ^D_ Bb
And you will keep me safe

^C__^D_ ^F__^F__^D__Bb
And you will keep me close…

^C_ ^D
And rain

^F___^F__^D_ ^C-Bb
Will make the flowers…


A Little Fall of Rain – Les Miserables Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes


Don’t you fret, Monsieur Marius

Do_.Si__ Re_Re-.Si_ .Sol
I don’t feel any pain

.La_.Si-Re_Re .Si .Sol
A little fall of rain

.La__ .Si-Sol__ Sol_ .Si_ .Sol
Can hardly hurt me now

.Si____ Re
You’re here,

Sol___ La_Sol_ La_ Si__Si
That’s all I need to know…

Si___Si_ ^Re_ ^Re_ Si_ Sol
And you will keep me safe

La__ Si_ ^Re_ ^Re_ Si__Sol
And you will keep me close

La___Si_ ^Re_ ^Re__Si__ La-Sol__ Sol
And rain will make the flowers grow….


Fa#_ Fa#_ La__La_ Sib-Sib
But you will live, ‘Ponine

Dear God above…

Sol Sol_ La__La__Sib__ Sib
If I could heal your wounds

^Do__ ^Do_^Re_^Re
With words of love…


Si___^Do_ Si__La
Just hold me now,

Sol__ La_Si Re
And let it be

Mi – Sol__ Sol__ Sol-La__ La
Shelter me, comfort me…


Re___ Si__ Si
You would live

Re__Do – La___La
A hundred years

^Do Si ^Re ^Re__Si__Sol
If I could show you how

La_ Si_ ^Re-^Re_ Si_ Sol
I won’t desert you now…


La___Si_ ^Sol_ ^Sol__Si_ Sol
The rain can’t hurt me now

Si__ ^Do_ Sol__ La__Sol-La__ Si___ Si
This rain will wash away what’s past…

Si___ Si_^Re_ ^Re_ Si_ Sol
And you will keep me safe

La___ Si_ ^Re_ ^Re_ Si__Sol
And you will keep me close

Sol__ Si_^Re_^Re__ Si – La_ Sol_ Sol
I’ll sleep in your embrace at last…

Sol___Sol__La___ La__Sib_ Sib
The rain that brings you here

^Do_^Do-^Re_ ^Re
Is Heaven-blessed!

Sol___Sol__La-La_ Sib_Sib
The skies begin to clear

^Do ^Do ^Re ^Re
And I’m at rest

Si_ ^Re__ Si-La__ Sol___La__ Si__Re
A breath away from where you are

Re___ Mi___ Sol___Sol_ La_ La
I’ve come home from so far…

Fa__ Fa_ ^Re_^Re__ Fa – Re#_ ^Do-^Do
So don’t you fret, Monsieur Marius

Re# Re_ Fa_ Fa-Re_.Sib
I don’t feel any pain

Do_Re-Fa_Fa_Re .Sib
A little fall of rain

Do__ Re-Sib_Sib_ Re_ .Sib
Can hardly hurt me now…

You’re here

Sib_ ^Do Sib ^Do ^Re ^Re
That’s all I need to know

^Re_ ^Re_^Fa_ ^Fa_^Re_Sib
And you will keep me safe

^Do_ ^Re_^Fa_ ^Fa_ ^Re_ Sib
And you will keep me close…

And rain

^Fa__^Fa_ ^Re_^Do-Sib
Will make the flowers…
