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We have added the letter notes of Honor To Us All – Mulan (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Honor To Us All – Mulan (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Honor To Us All – Mulan (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G_ G__G__ G__G__E_ F_ G__G
This is what you give me to work with

E___ G-G_ ^C_^C__ E
Well, honey, I’ve seen worse

F____F-F__ F__D__F__F
We’re gonna turn this sow’s ear

F-F_ E_D_ C
Into a silk purse!

G___ ^C__A___G__ ^C__ A
We’ll have you washed and dried

Primped and polished

E__ D__ E__G__D
Till you glow with pride

E___G_A-G-E_D_ E-G__D
Trust my recipe for instant bride

E____G__ A-G_ E_ D_C
You’ll bring honor to us all!

G__^C_ A
Wait and see

When we’re through

G__ ^C_ A-G_ E_ D_ E_G_ D
Boys will gladly go to war for you

E___ G__A-G
With good fortune

E__D_ E__G-D
And a great hairdo

E____G__ A-G_ E_ D_ C
You’ll bring honor to us all!

^E ^D_^C_B_ A_ B-B-B
A girl can bring her family

B___ B-A_G_F_ G
Great honor in one way

G__B-G#_B_ ^D_ ^C
By striking a good match

^E_ ^D_^D_^D_^D_^D
And this could be the day!

G__ ^C__ A__ G__ ^C__ A
Men want girls with good taste

^C___ A
Calm, obedient

D___ E___G – D
Who work fast-paced

With good breeding

E_ D_ E-G_ D
And a tiny waist

E____ G__A-G_ E_D_ C
You’ll bring honor to us all!

^E_ ^D_^C__ B__A__B-B-B
We all must serve our Emperor

B____ B__ A__G__F__ G
Who guards us from the Huns

G_B_ G#_B-^D_^C
A man by bearing arms

^E ^D ^D_^D-^D_^D
A girl by bearing sons!

G___ ^C___A
When we’re through

G__^C_ A
You can’t fail

G_^C_ A-G_ E-D
Like a lotus blossom

E__ G__D
Soft and pale

E___ G__A-G_E-D
How could any fellow

E__G_ D
Say “no sale”

E____G_ A-G_E_ D_C
You’ll bring honor to us all!

Honor To Us All – Mulan (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol_Sol_ Sol__Sol_ Sol_ Mi_Fa_Sol_ Sol
This is what you give me to work with

Mi__ Sol-Sol_^Do__^Do__Mi
Well, honey, I’ve seen worse

Fa____Fa-Fa___Fa_ Re_ Fa__ Fa
We’re gonna turn this sow’s ear

Fa-Fa_ Mi__Re_Do
Into a silk purse!

Sol__ ^Do_ La__Sol__^Do__La
We’ll have you washed and dried

Sol___ ^Do__ La-Sol
Primped and polished

Mi__Re__Mi__ Sol__ Re
Till you glow with pride

Mi__Sol__La-Sol-Mi__Re_Mi-Sol_ Re
Trust my recipe for instant bride

Mi____Sol__La-Sol_Mi_ Re__Do
You’ll bring honor to us all!

Sol__ ^Do_La
Wait and see

When we’re through

Sol__^Do_La-Sol_Mi_ Re_Mi__Sol_Re
Boys will gladly go to war for you

Mi___ Sol__ La-Sol
With good fortune

Mi_ Re_Mi__ Sol-Re
And a great hairdo

Mi____Sol__La-Sol_Mi_ Re_ Do
You’ll bring honor to us all!

^Mi ^Re_^Do__Si_La_Si-Si-Si
A girl can bring her family

Si___ Si-La__Sol__Fa_Sol
Great honor in one way

Sol_ Si-Sol#__Si_ ^Re_ ^Do
By striking a good match

^Mi_ ^Re__^Re__^Re_^Re_^Re
And this could be the day!

Men want girls with good taste

^Do___ La
Calm, obedient

Re__ Mi___Sol – Re
Who work fast-paced

Mi____Sol__ La-Sol
With good breeding

Mi_Re_ Mi-Sol_ Re
And a tiny waist

Mi___Sol_ La-Sol_Mi__Re_ Do
You’ll bring honor to us all!

^Mi_ ^Re_^Do__Si__ La_ Si-Si-Si
We all must serve our Emperor

Si___Si__La_ Sol_ Fa__Sol
Who guards us from the Huns

Sol__Si_ Sol#__Si-^Re__^Do
A man by bearing arms

^Mi ^Re ^Re_^Re-^Re_^Re
A girl by bearing sons!

Sol___ ^Do___La
When we’re through

Sol__ ^Do_La
You can’t fail

Sol_^Do_ La-Sol_Mi-Re
Like a lotus blossom

Mi___Sol_ Re
Soft and pale

Mi__ Sol_ La-Sol__Mi-Re
How could any fellow

Mi_ Sol_Re
Say “no sale”

Mi___ Sol_La-Sol__Mi_ Re__Do
You’ll bring honor to us all!