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We have added the letter notes of Where You Are – Moana song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Where You Are – Moana piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Where You Are – Moana Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

C-A-F- ^C- ^F_^C_^F-^C
Moana, make way, make way!

^C-^C-^C ^D ^F ^D ^C
Moana, it’s time you knew

^C ^C-^C ^D ^F-^D^C ^D
The village of Motunui is

All you need!

^C_^C-^C_^D ^F-^D-^C
The dancers are practising

^C_^C-^C ^C ^D ^C-A-F
They dance to an ancient song

Who needs a new song?

G-_F- G- A_G- F
This old one’s all we need!

^D ^D-^F-^G ^F ^F ^D-^C
This tradition is our mission

^C_Bb-A-G-_A-Bb ^C Bb_A
And Moana, there’s so much to do

A– A-A_^C_A-G_F
Don’t trip on the taro root

G– A_^C_A-G
That’s all you need!

We share everything we make

We joke and we weave our baskets

^C_^C-^C-^D- ^C-A- F- G- A
The fishermen come back from the sea

C F-^C_A
I wanna see…

Don’t walk away

A-A-A- G-A_^C- A-_G
Moana, stay on the ground now

A-_A-A- G- A_^C_A
Our people will need a chief

G- A-_A-A-G-F
And there you are….

D– F- G- A
There comes a day

A—A-_A-G- A- ^C-A
When you’re gonna look around

A- A-A-G_A-^C-A_^C
And realise happiness is

Where you are…

^C-^C-^C ^D ^F-^D-^C
Consider the coconut

A-^C-^D ^C ^F
Consider its tree

^C_^C_^C_^C ^D ^C-A-F
Use each part of the coconut

G– A_^C_A-G
That’s all we need!

G–A- G- A-^C_A_^D-^C
We make our nets from the fibres

The water is sweet inside

We use the leaves to build fires

G-_A- A_G- A-_G-F
We cook up the meat inside

^C-^C-^C ^D ^F-^D-^C
Consider the coconuts

A-_^C- ^D-^C-^F
The trunks and the leaves

^F_^F-^F_^F_^C_^C ^D_^C
The island gives us what we need

C- F_^C- A
And no one leaves…

That’s right, we stay

A–_A- A-G-_A- ^C-A-G
We’re safe and we’re well provided

F– A- G-A-A_^C_A-^C
And when we look to the future

A– A- A-G-F
There you are….

You’ll be okay

G- A-_G-_A-A_^C_A G
In time you’ll learn just as I did

F– A- G-_A-^C-A_^C
You must find happiness right

^F ^F ^F-^E-^F
Where you are…

^C_A G-A- A- G- A-F
I like to dance with the water

A–A-G-A- A- G-_A
The undertow and the waves

A-_A-G_A- A-G-F-_A
The water is mischievous, ha!

A_A-A_A- A-G-F
I like how it misbehaves

^D_^C-^C_A-_A- G_A-G
The village may think I’m crazy

F- A_G_D_C_^C_A
Or say that I drift too far

D–F- F-_C–C_^C-A
But once you know what you like

F– C-^C_A-G-F
Well there you are…

D-_F-D-_F – G-_A – F
You are your father’s daughter

F – C – F—G–A
Stubbornness and pride

^D- ^C_Bb-A-A- G-A-G
Mind what he says but remember

D-_F-_F-F- F- ^C-A
You may hear a voice inside

C- F_C- F-_F- G-A-^C
And if the voice starts to whisper

D- F – F_D-F – A-^C
To follow the farthest star

D-F-C-_C- C_^C-A_G
Moana, that voice inside is

C- ^C_A-G-A
Who you are

Where You Are – Moana Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Do-La-Fa___^Do___^Fa_ ^Do__^Fa-^Do
Moana, make way, make way!

^Do-^Do-^Do ^Re ^Fa_^Re_^Do
Moana, it’s time you knew

^Do_^Do-^Do_^Re_^Fa-^Re^Do ^Re
The village of Motunui is

La_ ^Do__La-Sol
All you need!

^Do_ ^Do-^Do_ ^Re_^Fa-^Re-^Do
The dancers are practising

^Do__^Do-^Do ^Do ^Re_^Do-La__ Fa
They dance to an ancient song

La__ La__ Sol_ ^Do__ La
Who needs a new song?

Sol____ Fa___ Sol___ La__Sol___Fa
This old one’s all we need!

^Re_^Re-^Fa-^Sol ^Fa ^Fa ^Re-^Do
This tradition is our mission

^Do__Sib-La-Sol____La__ Sib_^Do_Sib_ La
And Moana, there’s so much to do

La__La__ La_ ^Do_ La-Sol_ Fa
Don’t trip on the taro root

Sol_ La_ ^Do__La-Sol
That’s all you need!

^Do__^Do__^Re-^Do-^Do_ ^Re_ ^Fa
We share everything we make

^Do__^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do__ ^Do__^Mi_ ^Fa-^Re
We joke and we weave our baskets

^Do_ ^Do-^Do-^Re___^Do__ La___ Fa___Sol___La
The fishermen come back from the sea

Do_Fa-^Do_ La
I wanna see…

Don’t walk away

La-La-La___ Sol__ La__^Do___La____Sol
Moana, stay on the ground now

La____ La-La___ Sol___ La__^Do__La
Our people will need a chief

Sol___ La____La__ La-Sol-Fa
And there you are….

Re__Fa___ Sol___La
There comes a day

La___ La____ La-Sol___ La___ ^Do-La
When you’re gonna look around

La___ La-La-Sol__La-^Do-La_ ^Do
And realise happiness is

^Fa____ ^Fa__ ^Fa-^Mi-^Fa
Where you are…

^Do-^Do-^Do ^Re ^Fa-^Re-^Do
Consider the coconut

La-^Do-^Re ^Do ^Fa
Consider its tree

^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do_ ^Do_^Re_^Do-La-Fa
Use each part of the coconut

Sol_ La_ ^Do_ La-Sol
That’s all we need!

Sol_La___ Sol___La__ ^Do__La_ ^Re-^Do
We make our nets from the fibres

Sol____La-La__Sol__ La__ ^Do-^Do
The water is sweet inside

Sol____La__Sol____La__^Do_ La_ ^Re-^Do
We use the leaves to build fires

We cook up the meat inside

^Do-^Do-^Do ^Re ^Fa-^Re-^Do
Consider the coconuts

La____^Do___^Re__ ^Do__ ^Fa
The trunks and the leaves

^Fa_ ^Fa-^Fa_ ^Fa_ ^Do_ ^Do_^Re__^Do
The island gives us what we need

Do___ Fa__^Do___La
And no one leaves…

Fa___ Fa____Sol__ La
That’s right, we stay

La___La___ La__ Sol____ La___^Do-La-Sol
We’re safe and we’re well provided

Fa__La___ Sol__ La__ La_ ^Do_ La-^Do
And when we look to the future

There you are….

Re____ Fa__Sol-La
You’ll be okay

Sol___La____Sol____La__ La_ ^Do_ La_Sol
In time you’ll learn just as I did

Fa_ La___Sol____La-^Do-La_ ^Do
You must find happiness right

^Fa ^Fa ^Fa-^Mi-^Fa
Where you are…

^Do_ La_Sol__ La___ La___Sol___La-Fa
I like to dance with the water

La_La-Sol-La___ La___Sol____La
The undertow and the waves

La____La-Sol__La___La-Sol-Fa____ La
The water is mischievous, ha!

La_ La__ La_ La___ La-Sol-Fa
I like how it misbehaves

^Re_ ^Do-^Do__La____La___Sol__La-Sol
The village may think I’m crazy

Fa___ La__Sol__Re__Do_ ^Do_ La
Or say that I drift too far

Re_Fa___Fa____Do_Do__^Do__ La
But once you know what you like

Fa__Do__ ^Do__La-Sol-Fa
Well there you are…

Re____Fa__ Re____Fa – Sol____La – Fa
You are your father’s daughter

Fa – Do – Fa___ Sol_La
Stubbornness and pride

^Re___ ^Do__Sib__ La__ La___ Sol-La-Sol
Mind what he says but remember

Re____Fa____Fa__ Fa___Fa___^Do-La
You may hear a voice inside

Do___ Fa__Do___ Fa____ Fa___ Sol__ La-^Do
And if the voice starts to whisper

Re___Fa – Fa__Re__ Fa – La__ ^Do
To follow the farthest star

Re-Fa-Do____Do___Do__^Do-La_ Sol
Moana, that voice inside is

Do___ ^Do__La-Sol-La
Who you are