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We have added the letter notes of We’ve only just begun – The Carpenters song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of We’ve only just begun – The Carpenters piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

We’ve only just begun – The Carpenters Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D_____ D-E_ G_ _D-_B _C _D
We’ve only just begun to live,

_G____ _E___D_B – A – G
White lace and promises

_F#_F#_G_G _E___D___B_ _C_ B-A
A kiss for luck and we’re on our way

(D_______G__ F#-A)
(We’ve just begun)

D – D___E__G-_D_ B_ _C _D
Before the rising sun we fly,

_G _E-_D_B___ A___G
So many roads to choose

_F#_F#_ _G__G-_E___D__B___C_B-A
We start out walking and learn to run

(D____D____ G____ G___D-B_ B-A-G#)
(And yes, We’ve just begun_~_~_~_)

Sharing horizons that are new to us…

_G – _D___B____D_ _E-G_ A__B__ (_D _C#)
Watching the signs along the way (oh-ah)

_F#_F# _E _F#-_G_B___E___D _C _D
Talking__ it___over__just the two of_us,

_G-_D__ B-_D_E__ G_ A_ B
Working together day to day

G-G-A__ _C-_C-_D
Together, together

D____ D____E___G-_D____B_____C_ _D
And when the evening comes we smile,

_G__E___D_ B__A -G
So much of life ahead

_F#_ _F#__G____G____E___ _D_____ B__ _C__ A
We’ll find__a_ place where there’s room to grow,

D___ D___ E_____ G___D- B ~
And yes, we’ve just begun ~

We’ve only just begun – The Carpenters Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re_____ Re-Mi_ Sol_ _Re-_Si _Do _Re
We’ve only just begun to live,

_Sol____ _Mi___Re_Si – La – Sol
White lace and promises

_Fa#_Fa#_Sol_Sol _Mi___Re___Si_ _Do_ Si-La
A kiss for luck and we’re on our way

(Re_______Sol__ Fa#-La)
(We’ve just begun)

Re – Re___Mi__Sol-_Re_ Si_ _Do _Re
Before the rising sun we fly,

_Sol _Mi-_Re_Si___ La___Sol
So many roads to choose

_Fa#_Fa#_ _Sol__Sol-_Mi___Re__Si___Do_Si-La
We start out walking and learn to run

(Re____Re____ Sol____ Sol___Re-Si_ Si-La-Sol#)
(And yes, We’ve just begun_~_~_~_)

Sharing horizons that are new to us…

_Sol – _Re___Si____Re_ _Mi-Sol_ La__Si__ (_Re _Do#)
Watching the signs along the way (oh-ah)

_Fa#_Fa# _Mi _Fa#-_Sol_Si___Mi___Re _Do _Re
Talking__ it___over__just the two of_us,

_Sol-_Re__ Si-_Re_Mi__ Sol_ La_ Si
Working together day to day

Sol-Sol-La__ _Do-_Do-_Re
Together, together

Re____ Re____Mi___Sol-_Re____Si_____Do_ _Re
And when the evening comes we smile,

_Sol__Mi___Re_ Si__La -Sol
So much of life ahead

_Fa#_ _Fa#__Sol____Sol____Mi___ _Re_____ Si__ _Do__ La
We’ll find__a_ place where there’s room to grow,

Re___ Re___ Mi_____ Sol___Re- Si ~
And yes, we’ve just begun ~