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We have added the letter notes of Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes


_C__B__ _C___B__G__ A-F#-D
So you think you can tell_ ~

_D – _C_ _D___E_D
Heaven from hell

_E___E-_D_ B___D
Blue skies from pain?

_C___B_ _C__B__G___A-F#-D
Can you tell a green field_~

_D___D_ _D__B___C-B-G
From a cold steel rail?

B_ _D____C__ B___C
A smile from a veil?

_C__ B__ _C___ B___G___G
Do you think you can tell?

_C__ _C__ B___C_ _D__D_ _E-_D-_C-G
And did they get you to trade_~

_E__ _E-_D__B___D-_C-A
Your heroes for ghosts?

_D___D-B__D_ _E-_D
Hot ashes for trees?

_E___E__D B__D-B__D
Hot air for a cool breeze?

_E-D_ _D-B___G__ A-D
Cold comfort for change?

_D_ _D__B-_C-B-G
Did you exchange

G_ _D__C_ _C__B_ G_ _C
A walk on part in the war

G__ G_ _C_ _C_ B_G__C-B-G
For a lead role in a cage?

_C__ B__C-B-G
How I wish…

_C__ B_ _C__ B___G___A-F#-D
How I wish you were here

B____ _D__E-_D__E_ _E
We’re just two lost souls

_E – _D__ _E _D _E _E-_D-B
Swimming in a fish – bowl

_D___D-B_ _D
Year after year

_D – _C_ _D-B_ A___D___D___D
Running over the same old ground

_C__ _D_ _C_ _D-_C-B-G
And how we found

B___ _D__ B___C-B-G
The same old fears

_C___ _C___B__ _C-B-G
Wish you were here…

Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes


_Do__Si__ _Do___Si__Sol__ La-Fa#-Re
So you think you can tell_ ~

_Re – _Do_ _Re___Mi_Re
Heaven from hell

_Mi___Mi-_Re_ Si___Re
Blue skies from pain?

_Do___Si_ _Do__Si__Sol___La-Fa#-Re
Can you tell a green field_~

_Re___Re_ _Re__Si___Do-Si-Sol
From a cold steel rail?

Si_ _Re____Do__ Si___Do
A smile from a veil?

_Do__ Si__ _Do___ Si___Sol___Sol
Do you think you can tell?

_Do__ _Do__ Si___Do_ _Re__Re_ _Mi-_Re-_Do-Sol
And did they get you to trade_~

_Mi__ _Mi-_Re__Si___Re-_Do-La
Your heroes for ghosts?

_Re___Re-Si__Re_ _Mi-_Re
Hot ashes for trees?

_Mi___Mi__Re Si__Re-Si__Re
Hot air for a cool breeze?

_Mi-Re_ _Re-Si___Sol__ La-Re
Cold comfort for change?

_Re_ _Re__Si-_Do-Si-Sol
Did you exchange

Sol_ _Re__Do_ _Do__Si_ Sol_ _Do
A walk on part in the war

Sol__ Sol_ _Do_ _Do_ Si_Sol__Do-Si-Sol
For a lead role in a cage?

_Do__ Si__Do-Si-Sol
How I wish…

_Do__ Si_ _Do__ Si___Sol___La-Fa#-Re
How I wish you were here

Si____ _Re__Mi-_Re__Mi_ _Mi
We’re just two lost souls

_Mi – _Re__ _Mi _Re _Mi _Mi-_Re-Si
Swimming in a fish – bowl

_Re___Re-Si_ _Re
Year after year

_Re – _Do_ _Re-Si_ La___Re___Re___Re
Running over the same old ground

_Do__ _Re_ _Do_ _Re-_Do-Si-Sol
And how we found

Si___ _Re__ Si___Do-Si-Sol
The same old fears

_Do___ _Do___Si__ _Do-Si-Sol
Wish you were here…