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We have added the letter notes of Careless Whisper – George Michael song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Careless Whisper – George Michael piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Careless Whisper – George Michael Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Intro melody (repeat as desired!)

_E-_D A-F
_E-_D A-F
_C-Bb F-D
_C-Bb F-D
Bb-A F-D-.Bb

A_A__ G__F-D
I feel so unsure

D_D_A___ Bb___G
As I take your hand

D____F___ D__A_ G___F___ E
And lead you to the dance floor

D__ E__ D-F__ A
As the music dies

D_-_E_____ F__ D___C-Bb
Something in your eyes

A____Bb__A___Bb_ A-Bb__ A
Calls to mind the silver screen

F____A_ G__ F___E – D
And all its sad good-byes…

_F__F-_E___E-_E__ _E___D-_D
I’m never gonna dance again

_F-_D__F_ _D_ _G_ _F_ _E-_D
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_F____ _F_ _F-_E__E__D-_D
Though it’s easy to pretend

_D__E___E__ _E_ _C__D-_C
I know you’re not a fool_~

_C__F-_F____ _F___ _F-_E
I should’ve known better

_E__ _E_ _E_ _D_ _D
Than to cheat a friend

_D_____F____D__ _F
And waste the chance

_D__ _G___F_ _E-_D
That I’ve been given

_F__F__F-_E_ _E-_E___E__ _D-_D
So I’m never gonna dance again

_D_ _E _E__D____E__ _F-_E-_D
The way I danced with you_~

Time can never mend

F_____F – _E__ _E-_D__A_ G_ F____E
The careless whispers of a good friend

D__ E___ D___ F___ A
To the heart and mind

D – D – D__ F__C-Bb
Ignorance is kind

A______ Bb__A-Bb__ A_ Bb_ A
There’s no comfort in the truth

_E_ _E _A _G _F _G-_F-_D
Pain is all you’ll find_~

_F__F-_E__E-_E_ _E___D-_D
I’m never gonna dance again

_F-_D__F_ _D_ _G_ _F_ _E-_D
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_F____ _F_ _F-_E__E__D-_D
Though it’s easy to pretend

_D__E___E__ _E_ _C_ _D-_C
I know you’re not a fool_~

_C__F-_F___ _F___ _F-_E
I should’ve known better

_E__ _E_ _E_ _D_ _D
Than to cheat a friend

_D_____F____D__ _F
And waste the chance

_D__ _G___F_ _E-_D
That I’ve been given

_F__F__F-_E_ _E-_E___E__ _D-_D
So I’m never gonna dance again

_D_ _E _E__D____E__ _F-_E-_D
The way I danced with you_~

G -B_____A__ A-G___BA__ G__ E
Tonight the music seems so loud

G__B___A__ A___G___ BA___G___E
I wish that we could lose this crowd

E____G-G__G__ A-A__ G__ G
But maybe it’s better this way

E_____F#__ E___F#-E
We’d hurt each other

F#____E___ F#___E___ F#__ G__A
With the things we’d want to say

D____B – A____A__ G__BA___G-G-E
We could’ve been so good together

G____B – A___ A___ G___BA___G-G-E
We could’ve lived this dance forever

G___ _E-_D___D-_C___C-B___A___B
But no-one’s gonna dance with me

B – A__ A-G-E
Please stay ~

I’m never gonna dance again

_F-_D__F_ _D_ _G_ _F_ _E-_D
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_F____ _F_ _F-E__E__D-_D
Though it’s easy to pretend

_D__E___E__ _E_ _C_ _D-_C
I know you’re not a fool_~

_C__F-_F____ _F___ _F-_E
I should’ve known better

_E__ _E_ _E_ _D_ _D
Than to cheat a friend

_D_____F____D__ _F
And waste the chance

_D__ _G___F_ _E-_D
That I’ve been given

_F__F__F-_E_ _E-_E___E__ _D-_D
So I’m never gonna dance again

_D_ _E _E__D____E__ _F-_E-_D
The way I danced with you_~

Careless Whisper – George Michael Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Intro melody (repeat as desired!)

_Mi-_Re La-Fa
_Mi-_Re La-Fa
_Do-Sib Fa-Re
_Do-Sib Fa-Re
Sib-La Fa-Re-.Sib

La_La__ Sol__Fa-Re
I feel so unsure

Re_Re_La___ Sib___Sol
As I take your hand

Re____Fa___ Re__La_ Sol___Fa___ Mi
And lead you to the dance floor

Re__ Mi__ Re-Fa__ La
As the music dies

Re_-_Mi_____ Fa__ Re___Do-Sib
Something in your eyes

La____Sib__La___Sib_ La-Sib__ La
Calls to mind the silver screen

Fa____La_ Sol__ Fa___Mi – Re
And all its sad good-byes…

_Fa__Fa-_Mi___Mi-_Mi__ _Mi___Re-_Re
I’m never gonna dance again

_Fa-_Re__Fa_ _Re_ _Sol_ _Fa_ _Mi-_Re
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_Fa____ _Fa_ _Fa-_Mi__Mi__Re-_Re
Though it’s easy to pretend

_Re__Mi___Mi__ _Mi_ _Do__Re-_Do
I know you’re not a fool_~

_Do__Fa-_Fa____ _Fa___ _Fa-_Mi
I should’ve known better

_Mi__ _Mi_ _Mi_ _Re_ _Re
Than to cheat a friend

_Re_____Fa____Re__ _Fa
And waste the chance

_Re__ _Sol___Fa_ _Mi-_Re
That I’ve been given

_Fa__Fa__Fa-_Mi_ _Mi-_Mi___Mi__ _Re-_Re
So I’m never gonna dance again

_Re_ _Mi _Mi__Re____Mi__ _Fa-_Mi-_Re
The way I danced with you_~

Time can never mend

Fa_____Fa – _Mi__ _Mi-_Re__La_ Sol_ Fa____Mi
The careless whispers of a good friend

Re__ Mi___ Re___ Fa___ La
To the heart and mind

Re – Re – Re__ Fa__Do-Sib
Ignorance is kind

La______ Sib__La-Sib__ La_ Sib_ La
There’s no comfort in the truth

_Mi_ _Mi _La _Sol _Fa _Sol-_Fa-_Re
Pain is all you’ll find_~

_Fa__Fa-_Mi__Mi-_Mi_ _Mi___Re-_Re
I’m never gonna dance again

_Fa-_Re__Fa_ _Re_ _Sol_ _Fa_ _Mi-_Re
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_Fa____ _Fa_ _Fa-_Mi__Mi__Re-_Re
Though it’s easy to pretend

_Re__Mi___Mi__ _Mi_ _Do_ _Re-_Do
I know you’re not a fool_~

_Do__Fa-_Fa___ _Fa___ _Fa-_Mi
I should’ve known better

_Mi__ _Mi_ _Mi_ _Re_ _Re
Than to cheat a friend

_Re_____Fa____Re__ _Fa
And waste the chance

_Re__ _Sol___Fa_ _Mi-_Re
That I’ve been given

_Fa__Fa__Fa-_Mi_ _Mi-_Mi___Mi__ _Re-_Re
So I’m never gonna dance again

_Re_ _Mi _Mi__Re____Mi__ _Fa-_Mi-_Re
The way I danced with you_~

Sol -Si_____La__ La-Sol___SiLa__ Sol__ Mi
Tonight the music seems so loud

Sol__Si___La__ La___Sol___ SiLa___Sol___Mi
I wish that we could lose this crowd

Mi____Sol-Sol__Sol__ La-La__ Sol__ Sol
But maybe it’s better this way

Mi_____Fa#__ Mi___Fa#-Mi
We’d hurt each other

Fa#____Mi___ Fa#___Mi___ Fa#__ Sol__La
With the things we’d want to say

Re____Si – La____La__ Sol__SiLa___Sol-Sol-Mi
We could’ve been so good together

Sol____Si – La___ La___ Sol___SiLa___Sol-Sol-Mi
We could’ve lived this dance forever

Sol___ _Mi-_Re___Re-_Do___Do-Si___La___Si
But no-one’s gonna dance with me

Si – La__ La-Sol-Mi
Please stay ~

I’m never gonna dance again

_Fa-_Re__Fa_ _Re_ _Sol_ _Fa_ _Mi-_Re
Guilty feet have got no rhythm

_Fa____ _Fa_ _Fa-Mi__Mi__Re-_Re
Though it’s easy to pretend

_Re__Mi___Mi__ _Mi_ _Do_ _Re-_Do
I know you’re not a fool_~

_Do__Fa-_Fa____ _Fa___ _Fa-_Mi
I should’ve known better

_Mi__ _Mi_ _Mi_ _Re_ _Re
Than to cheat a friend

_Re_____Fa____Re__ _Fa
And waste the chance

_Re__ _Sol___Fa_ _Mi-_Re
That I’ve been given

_Fa__Fa__Fa-_Mi_ _Mi-_Mi___Mi__ _Re-_Re
So I’m never gonna dance again

_Re_ _Mi _Mi__Re____Mi__ _Fa-_Mi-_Re
The way I danced with you_~