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We have added the letter notes of Fields Of Gold – Sting song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Fields Of Gold – Sting piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Fields Of Gold – Sting Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^C___ B – A – G___G
You’ll remember me

^C____ B____A____G_____A
When the west wind moves

C – A__ G___G__ C__ E-G
Upon the fields of barley

^C____ B – A__G__ G
You’ll forget the sun

^C_ B__A – G__G
In his jealous sky

D__ E__ F___E___ E___D__ C
As we walk in fields of gold

^C__B___A__ G___G
So she took her love

For to gaze awhile

C – A__G___ G__ C__ E-G
Upon the fields of barley

^C_ B__ A___G__ G
In his arms she fell

^C__B__A___ G____ G
As her hair came down

E – F___ E____E____F__ C
Among the fields of gold

^C__ B___ A___ G___G
Will you stay with me

^C__ B__ A__G__ A
Will you be my love

C – A___ G___ G___C__ E-G
Among the fields of barley?

^C___ B-A___G__G
We’ll forget the sun

^C_B__A – G__ G
In his jealous sky

D__E__F_ E___E___D__ C
As we lie in fields of gold

^C__ B__ A____G____ G
See the west wind move

^C_ B_ A-G_A
Like a lover so

C – A__ G__ G__ C__ E-G
Upon the fields of barley

^C__ B__ A-G__G
Feel her body rise

^C_____B___A__ G____G
When you kiss her mouth

E – F____E____E___ D__ C
Among the fields of gold

G_G-G__ G___ A-G-G___ G-C
I never made promises lightly

G____ G_____G____G____ A
And there have been some

G____G___G – C
That I’ve broken

D__G__ G__ G__G__ A___G__G
But I swear in the days still left

E______F___E___E___D__ C
We’ll walk in fields of gold

D-E___F___E___E__ D__ C
We’ll walk in fields of gold…

^C -B__ A____ G_____G
Many years have passed

^C_____B____ A – G____ A
Since those summer days

C – A___ G___ G___C__ E-G
Among the fields of barley

^C__B___ A – G___G
See the children run

^C_ B__A___G____ G
As the sun goes down

E – F____ F___ E___D__ C
Among the fields of gold

^C___ B – A – G___ G
You’ll remember me

^C_____B__ A____ G_____ A
When the west wind moves

C – A__G___G___C__ E-G
Upon the fields of barley

^C__B___A__ G__ G
You can tell the sun

^C_ B__A-G__ G
In his jealous sky

D_____ E____ F_____F___E__ D__ C
When we walked in fields of gold

D______E____ F___ E___E___D___C
When we walked in fields of gold

D______E____F____E___ E___D__ C
When we walked in fields of gold….

Fields Of Gold – Sting Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Do___ Si – La – Sol___Sol
You’ll remember me

^Do____ Si____La____Sol_____La
When the west wind moves

Do – La__ Sol___Sol__ Do__ Mi-Sol
Upon the fields of barley

^Do____ Si – La__Sol__ Sol
You’ll forget the sun

^Do_ Si__La – Sol__Sol
In his jealous sky

Re__ Mi__ Fa___Mi___ Mi___Re__ Do
As we walk in fields of gold

^Do__Si___La__ Sol___Sol
So she took her love

For to gaze awhile

Do – La__Sol___ Sol__ Do__ Mi-Sol
Upon the fields of barley

^Do_ Si__ La___Sol__ Sol
In his arms she fell

^Do__Si__La___ Sol____ Sol
As her hair came down

Mi – Fa___ Mi____Mi____Fa__ Do
Among the fields of gold

^Do__ Si___ La___ Sol___Sol
Will you stay with me

^Do__ Si__ La__Sol__ La
Will you be my love

Do – La___ Sol___ Sol___Do__ Mi-Sol
Among the fields of barley?

^Do___ Si-La___Sol__Sol
We’ll forget the sun

^Do_Si__La – Sol__ Sol
In his jealous sky

Re__Mi__Fa_ Mi___Mi___Re__ Do
As we lie in fields of gold

^Do__ Si__ La____Sol____ Sol
See the west wind move

^Do_ Si_ La-Sol_La
Like a lover so

Do – La__ Sol__ Sol__ Do__ Mi-Sol
Upon the fields of barley

^Do__ Si__ La-Sol__Sol
Feel her body rise

^Do_____Si___La__ Sol____Sol
When you kiss her mouth

Mi – Fa____Mi____Mi___ Re__ Do
Among the fields of gold

Sol_Sol-Sol__ Sol___ La-Sol-Sol___ Sol-Do
I never made promises lightly

Sol____ Sol_____Sol____Sol____ La
And there have been some

Sol____Sol___Sol – Do
That I’ve broken

Re__Sol__ Sol__ Sol__Sol__ La___Sol__Sol
But I swear in the days still left

Mi______Fa___Mi___Mi___Re__ Do
We’ll walk in fields of gold

Re-Mi___Fa___Mi___Mi__ Re__ Do
We’ll walk in fields of gold…

^Do -Si__ La____ Sol_____Sol
Many years have passed

^Do_____Si____ La – Sol____ La
Since those summer days

Do – La___ Sol___ Sol___Do__ Mi-Sol
Among the fields of barley

^Do__Si___ La – Sol___Sol
See the children run

^Do_ Si__La___Sol____ Sol
As the sun goes down

Mi – Fa____ Fa___ Mi___Re__ Do
Among the fields of gold

^Do___ Si – La – Sol___ Sol
You’ll remember me

^Do_____Si__ La____ Sol_____ La
When the west wind moves

Do – La__Sol___Sol___Do__ Mi-Sol
Upon the fields of barley

^Do__Si___La__ Sol__ Sol
You can tell the sun

^Do_ Si__La-Sol__ Sol
In his jealous sky

Re_____ Mi____ Fa_____Fa___Mi__ Re__ Do
When we walked in fields of gold

Re______Mi____ Fa___ Mi___Mi___Re___Do
When we walked in fields of gold

Re______Mi____Fa____Mi___ Mi___Re__ Do
When we walked in fields of gold….